27. Jun 2024

Current Drug Situation in Europe 2024: An Insightful Analysis

The drug landscape in Europe is continually evolving, driven by the emergence of new substances, shifting usage patterns, and changing policies. The European Drug Report 20241 highlights these dynamics and underscores the need for a multifaceted response to drug-related challenges. This article offers a comprehensive analysis of the current drug

NIRLAB mobile and handheld NIR Spectroscopy Solutions and Apps

NIRLAB detects and quantifies material and substance compositions non-destructively, instant and precise by using NIR spectroscopy and advanced machine learning algorithms.

The innovative digital ecosystem takes quality, transparency and security to a new level and generates real world data for automation and 3rd party AI applications.

Somlaproz 23
1937 Orsières

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REACT EU Funded as part of the Union's response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Project Digitalization in the field of corporate presentation, marketing and communication

Period 15.01.2022–31.12.2022

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