Category: Narcotics
08. Aug 2024
Use of Portable NIR Technology for Drug analysis in Australia
The challenge of efficiently and accurately analyzing illicit drugs remains significant in Australia due to the high volume of drugs trafficked within the country. A recent study explores the potential of Near-Infrared (NIR) spectroscopy combined with machine learning.1 Hence, by using NIRLAB’s solution to provide rapid and accurate drug identification

27. Jun 2024
Current Drug Situation in Europe 2024: An Insightful Analysis
The drug landscape in Europe is continually evolving, driven by the emergence of new substances, shifting usage patterns, and changing policies. The European Drug Report 20241 highlights these dynamics and underscores the need for a multifaceted response to drug-related challenges. This article offers a comprehensive analysis of the current drug

10. May 2024
Revolutionizing Forensic Analysis with Ultra-Portable NIR Technology
In the fast-paced world of forensic science, the quest for rapid and reliable drug testing solutions has led to significant innovations. One such breakthrough, outlined in a detailed study “Providing illicit drugs results in five seconds using ultra-portable NIR technology: An opportunity for forensic laboratories to cope with the trend

18. Mar 2024
The Hidden Dangers: Cutting Agents in Cocaine
Following our insightful exploration in “Cocaine Analysis – Challenges and Opportunities“, we delve deeper into a critical aspect that plays a pivotal role in the global cocaine trade: the cutting agents. These substances, mixed with cocaine to increase volume, alter potency, or both, significantly impact the drug’s purity, efficacy, and

11. Mar 2024
Heroin Analysis – Challenges and Opportunities
Heroin, a substance with a complex legal and health-related history, requires sophisticated methods for accurate analysis. This article delves into the science of heroin, the significance of heroin analysis, the technological superiority of NIRLAB for the identification and quantification of Heroin, and its implications for the future. The Science of